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SRX24025861: GSM8160982: ME49_IAA-24h_rep2; Toxoplasma gondii; RNA-Seq
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina NovaSeq 6000) run: 16.7M spots, 5G bases, 1.5Gb downloads

External Id: GSM8160982_r1
Submitted by: Pharmacology & Toxicology, Indiana University School of Medicine
Study: Timecourse of transcriptional changes upon eIF4E1 depletion in Toxoplasma gondii
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The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii causes serious opportunistic disease due to its ability to persist in patients as latent tissue cysts. The molecular mechanisms coordinating conversion between proliferative parasites (tachyzoites) and latent cysts (bradyzoites) are not fully understood. We previously showed that phosphorylation of eIF2a accompanies bradyzoite formation, suggesting that this clinically relevant process involves regulation of mRNA translation. In this study, we investigated the composition and role of eIF4F multi-subunit complexes in translational control. Using CLIPseq, we find that the cap-binding subunit, eIF4E1, localizes to the 5'-end of all tachyzoite mRNAs, many of which show evidence of stemming from heterogenous transcriptional start sites. We further show that eIF4E1 operates as the predominant cap-binding protein in two distinct eIF4F complexes. Using genetic and pharmacological approaches, we found that eIF4E1 deficiency triggers efficient spontaneous formation of bradyzoites without stress induction. Consistent with this result, we also show that stress-induced bradyzoites exhibit reduced eIF4E1 expression. Overall, our findings establish a novel role for eIF4F in translational control required for parasite latency and microbial persistence. Overall design: Expression changes in Toxoplasma upon IAA-induced knockdown of eIF4E1mAID for 24h and 48h in RH and ME49 strain backgrounds
Sample: ME49_IAA-24h_rep2
SAMN40582155 • SRS20820007 • All experiments • All runs
Name: GSM8160982
Instrument: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: infected monolayer was scraped & syringe lysed. Parasites washed once with PBS. Pellet resuspended in TRIzol RNA libraries were prepared for sequencing using standard Illumina protocols paired end 2x150bp RNAseq
Runs: 1 run, 16.7M spots, 5G bases, 1.5Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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